Dipping Pen and India Ink

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"When Lady is a Crocodile"
"When Lady is a Crocodile"



"Yes, She is Good"
"Yes, She is Good"

"Egg Cup"
"Egg Cup"

"Flying Saucer"
"Flying Saucer"



"Simple Abstraction"
"Simple Abstraction"


"Old Cat"
"Old Cat"






"Heads of David"
"Heads of David"


"Sea Horses"
"Sea Horses"

"My Lady is a Crocodile"
"My Lady is a Crocodile"



"Log Man"
"Log Man"


"Strong Team"
"Strong Team"


"Persian Box"
"Persian Box"

"Bar Nostalgia"
"Bar Nostalgia"

"Katharine Cat"
"Katharine Cat"

"Madam Kohanski"
"Madam Kohanski"

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just discovered these.... super marvelous...........!
-- David Wayne Dunn, 6/27/11

Fine Art of Anna Seven

 ANNA SEVENSan Francisco, CA(415) 336-3575

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